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Y&R Changes CEOs in New York


Young & Rubicam, looking to shake its recent stretch of business erosion, is changing leadership in New York.

Tom Sebok, the agency's president and CEO for North America, is replacing Jane Barratt as president and CEO of New York. Barratt had held the role for 14 months. Before that, she was managing director at SapientNitro in New York. Ironically, Sebok had recruited Barratt. On her watch, however, wins were few and far between and accounts like Accenture, Bacardi, Office Depot and MetLife exited. 

In a statement announcing the change, global CEO David Sable asserted that the "tough news is behind us," adding, "We need to invest in this moment with the most experienced leadership and support.” Sebok joined Y&R in 2008 after eight years at BBDO. With him assuming the New York role, Sable will oversee North America. Sable himself represents change, having replaced Hamish McLennan in February.

The move comes three months after Y&R named a new chief creative officer for the office. Jim Elliott, a former group creative director at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners in San Francisco, started last month. 


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