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Would You Pay $1000 for Jeter's Dirty Sock?


Yankees fans are champing at the bit to see Derek Jeter finally reach his 3000th hit—something that no Yankee has ever done—and with only three hits to go, that feat could be accomplished in the next game or two.

But where baseball fans see an historic event, marketers see dollar signs.

According to the New York Post, the Yankees and Jeter’s promoters are planning to sell at least 200 products linked to the milestone hit, with markups of as much as 50 percent over the price of his usual branded collectibles.

Steiner Sports, which sells Yankees collectibles, usually charges $500 for a single sock that Jeter has worn in a season game. A dirty sock from this historic game will likely fetch $1,000 or more, according to company president Brandon Steiner. Bases will go for $7,500 each, and the 30 balls used in the game will be sold for $2,500 signed and $2,000 unsigned.

Some of the most prized items from the game will be auctioned online: Steiner said that cleats from one of Jeter’s shoes could go for $10,000 apiece, with bidding starting at $7,000. The biggest catch of the night (no pun intended) will be the ball from Jeter’s 3000th hit, which experts say could fetch up to $250,000.

But not every scrap of dirt from the big game will be sold (although Steiner has a contract to sell that, too: One ounce of soil from the infield costs about $250). “Derek will probably keep his bat and game glove,” Steiner said. “He's still deciding what he wants or doesn't want.”

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