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Hillshire Farm Tries (and Fails) to Move Beyond 'Go Meat!'


Four years after grinding out a winner with "Go Meat!" Hillshire Farm and TBWA\Chiat\Day are launching a new campaign "designed to resonate with women." That apparently means catchy jingles are out, and drab domestic scenes are in. The first TV spot is definitely better than it could be, thanks largely to the casting choice of improv diva Wendi McLendon-Covey from Reno 911 and Bridesmaids. She plays the inner voice of our otherwise silent family provider, thinking sassy thoughts and plotting to corner her mate into dance lessons. Not exactly an ode to feminism, this one, but that's not why viewers are going to be upset. They just want more "Go Meat!" When the new spot was shared on the Hillshire Farm Facebook page, the first four comments were "lame," "stupid," "whack," and "bring back go meat." The brand meekly defended the shift: "We all love Go Meat! but we’re so excited to share with you the next evolution Hillshire Farm campaign and we think you’re really going to like it." This doesn't seem to have worked, though, since the next commenter said Hillshire Farm should "FIRE whomever approved this." For the record, that commenter is totally wrong. It should be "whoever." Check out the new spot below and a few "Go Meat!" classics after the jump.

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