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AMV BBDO Wins Inaugural Grand Prix for Creative Effectiveness


Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO in London took home the first-ever Grand Prix for Creative Effectiveness at the Cannes Lions festival on Saturday, honored for its work on behalf of Walkers potato chips.

     AMV was tasked with getting more people to eat Walkers potato chips at lunch, with their sandwiches. So, to prove that Walkers can make any sandwich more exciting, the agency held a series of surprise events in the sleepy Kent village of Sandwich. The events galvanized the locals, and through a PR strategy combining traditional and social media, engaged millions of people across Britain. The campaign included 26 separate pieces of content, earned 1.6 million views on YouTube (the equivalent of 3 million minutes), generated more than $5 million worth of media coverage, and helped boost sales by 15 percent.

     The Creative Effectiveness Lions were introduced this year to recognize work that has shown a measurable and proven impact on a client's business. In addition to the Grand Prix, five other Creative Effectiveness Lions were handled out. There were no golds, silvers or bronzes—simply Lions. See those winners after the jump.

Creative Effectiveness Lions winners:
• Leo Burnett, London, for McDonald's ("There's a McDonald's for Everyone")
• Wieden + Kennedy, Portland, Ore., for Old Spice Body Wash ("The Man Your • Man Could Smell Like")
• Colenso BBDO, Auckland, New Zealand, for TVNZ television show The Pacific
• BBDO, Mumbai, for Procter & Gamble's Gillette Mach3 ("W.A.L.S. - Women Against Lazy Stubble")
• BBDO, New York, for Snickers ("You're Not You When You're Hungry")

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