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Ad of the Day: Xfinity


Comcast’s attempt last year to spruce up its image by rebranding its high-speed services under the somewhat dubious name Xfinity was met, as one might expect, with ridicule. But now, the company has opted against completely throwing out the baby with the bathwater, so to speak—reprising Comcast’s old, popular spokes-turtles, the Slowskys, after a long hiatus. In fact, agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners has added offspring to the mix. Karolyn and Bill, formerly a pair, use two new spots to introduce their son, Stanley—or Bill Jr.—depending on which parent you ask. Naturally, they blame their miscommunication over the name on a slow DSL connection.

While Comcast first introduced the Slowskys in 2006, it last debuted a commercial featuring the couple during Super Bowl 2009, when Bill found Karolyn entirely unreceptive to the down-tempo thrills of wagon riding. Given their penchant for marital spats and dedication to maintaining a leisurely pace in all affairs, it’s no surprise the Slowskys took a couple of years to procreate. But Xfinity also appears to have been busy with other ads of late, putting out a series of anthem commercials (not produced by Goodby) that centered around obnoxious jingles. Creating those, not to mention other, less-compelling spots, likely distracted the brand from churning out more humorously sluggish animatronic reptiles.

Video detail

Video detail

Client: Xfinity
Spots: “Name Game,” “Good Things”
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners
Executive Creative Director: Jamie Barrett
Associate Creative Director: Paul Charney
Associate Creative Director: Stefan Copiz 
Art Director: Javier Torok
Copywriter: John Lightstone
Producer: Jake Grand
Executive Producer: Tod Puckett
Business Affairs: Michael Graves
Account Director: Ashley Weber
Account Operations Manager: Jason Pelton
Director: Scott Vincent
Production Company: Hungry Man
Director of Photography: Jonathan Sela
Line Producer: Caleb Dewart
Executive Producer: Cindy Becker

Music: Elias
Sound Design: 740 Sound Design
Executive Producer: Scott Ganary

Editorial Company: HutchCo
Editor: Jim Hutchins
Assistant Editor: Joaquin Machado
Executive Producer: Jane Hutchins

Motion Graphics: Life Long Friendship Society

Mixed by: Rohan Young @ Lime Studios

Final Post: Brickyard VXF
Final Color: Company 3, Siggy Ferstl

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