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Ad of the Day: Sonic


How good is Sonic's food? Good enough to make you hallucinate that you're flying through giant onion rings, riding a pickle rocket, dancing with rocking hot dogs, and lassoing enormous golden cheesy tots. That's the take-away from this hilarious new 60-second spot from Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and Hungry Man director Hank Perlman—probably the best musical fast-food ad since Burger King's TenderCrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch commercial with Darius Rucker.

A man ordering at a Sonic drive-through is told he can get anything he wants on his burger. This sends him free-falling into a hallucinatory dreamscape full of giant Sonic food floating around and Sonic workers making kaleidoscopic Busby Berkeley moves in their roller-skates. The visuals are great, particularly the tater-tot fireworks. (Visual-effects company The Mill says some inspiration came from The Dude's dream sequence in The Big Lebowski.) But it's the music—a parody of "You Can Do Magic," by America—that really tops things off, with lyrics that are stupidly and comically forced to rhyme. The actor is perfectly intoxicated as well, and the whole thing is so amusingly ludicrous that it's a shame we have to get yanked back to reality at the end.

With Crispin Porter + Bogusky losing Burger King, Sonic and Goodby seem to be angling to become the new kings of fast-food absurdism.

Client: Sonic
Spot: "Your Heart's Desire"
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco
Producers: Elizabeth O'Toole (Executive), Brandon Romer
Creative Director: Margaret Johnson (Executive)
Creatives: Craig Mangan, Jack Woodworth (Copywriters)
Account Director: Hermon Ghermay
Business Affairs: Shannon Simon, Michael Graves
Group Account Director: Leslie Barrett
Production Company: Hungry Man Productions
Director: Hank Perlman
Executive Producer: Kevin Byrne, Dan Duffy, Cindy Becker
Producer: Caleb Dewart
Editing Company: HutchCo
Editor: Jim Hutchins
Edit Assist: Joaquin Machado
Postproduction/VFX Company: The Mill, Los Angeles
Executive Producer: Sue Troyan
VFX Producer: Enca Kaul
Shoot Supervisor: Chris Knight
2-D Lead Artist: Chris Knight
3-D Lead Artist: Nick Lines
2-D Artists: Paul O’Shea, Gizmo Rivera
Assist: Gavin Camp, Shane Zinkhon
Additional: Junior Nuke: Jennifer Stavish
Motion Graphics: Woodshop
Creative Director, Motion Graphics: Trevor Shepard
Executive Producer, Motion GFX: Sam Swisher
Music: Asche & Spencer
Music Producer: Janell Vircks
Sound Mixing: Jeff Payne, Eleven Studios

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