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Ad of the Day: Nike


Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam’s “Write the Future” campaign for Nike, which ran during the 2010 World Cup, has been more or less celebrated to death. Yesterday, the shop put out new work for the brand, this time around Latin America’s regional contest, Copa America, happening now. The latest spots feel (understandably) smaller: Less high drama and more local, framing the competing countries as (depending on the language) “Bairros” or “Barrios,” – neighborhoods. Still, it continues Nike’s – and generally, sports' – tradition of using big names to push its brand, featuring stars like Argentine veteran Carlos Tevez and Brazilian prodigy Neymar da Silva Santos Junior kicking the ball around, and otherwise cavorting, with citizens.

It wouldn’t be good advertising, though, without at least a little hyperbole: “This isn’t just a tournament. It’s a clash of cultures. A clash of styles,” the voiceover on both spots opens. “So it’s not enough for us to win. We must dominate. With beautiful play and deadly precision. Because no matter where you’re from… this continent belongs to us,” instructs the Portuguese commercial. Sure, competition is a lot of fun – and far be it from us to diminish the investment of fans, or the poetic license of copywriters. But if we’re being deadly precise, it is, well, pretty much just a tournament. And incidentally, Argentina, which is this year’s host and, according to Nike's Spanish language ad, has plans to “attack with both power and grace,” is in danger of not making the quarterfinals after two weak opening performances. Time for a new style?


Video detail

Client: Nike
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam
Executive Creative Directors: Mark Bernath, Eric Quennoy
Nike Global Creative Directors:  Alberto Ponte, Ryan O’Rourke
Creative Directors: Mike Farr, Pierre Janneau
Copywriter: Sean Vij
Art Directors: Ignasi Tudela Calafel, Mathew Jerrett
Broadcast Director: Erik Verheijen
Agency Producer: Tony Stearns
Group Account Director: Jesse Long
Account Director: David Anson
Account Manager: Frederic Point
Head of Design: Joe Burrin
Planning: Andy Grayson, Graeme Douglas
Global Communications Planning Director: Daniel Sheniak
Global Group Account Director: Jason White
Management Supervisor: Karrelle Dixon
Business Affairs Manager: Barrie Williams
Project Management: Sharon Kwiatkowski

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