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Ad of the Day: Heineken Light


In Heineken Light’s kickoff commercial for its new “Occasionally Perfect” campaign (and Wieden+Kennedy New York’s first spot for the beer maker), we are told that, like a snakeskin jacket, Heineken Light doesn’t always fit its surroundings.

Aptly titled “Snakeskin Jacket,” the spot shows Heineken’s suave (and rather hairy) “Man of the World” wearing the titular blazer in some less-than-appropriate settings, like a business meeting and golf outing. He elicits withering stares from onlookers that underscore the narrator’s assertion that the admittedly bold jacket is “not right for every occasion.”

“Unless, of course,” the narrator continues, “you find yourself attending a secret offshore charity snake-fighting event.” Ah, of course! What better time to wear a snakeskin blazer—or, apparently, drink a Heineken Light? Our “Man of the World” clearly fits right in as he strolls into a scene straight out of a Bond movie, set aboard a cargo ship filled with well-dressed lovers of charity and secret offshore snake fights. This time, instead of nasty looks, he gets nods of approval from tux-clad men and “do-me-now” glances from beautiful women. “There are some things best saved for the right occasion, but then, they make those occasions even righter,” the narrator concludes. “It’s like inside every snakeskin jacket, there’s a little Heineken Light.” To which I say: Huh? 

In a press release, Ian Reichenthal, co-executive creative director of W+K New York concedes, “'Occasionally perfect’ is a bold statement to make. It says Heineken Light is special, but in a really unique way." Now, perhaps I’m missing something (other than the popularity of the hot new charity snake-fighting circuit, which is so underground that I couldn’t find any information about it on Google), but since when is Heineken (and Heineken Light by extension) so “unique” that it’s not appropriate for everyday activities, and why would the brand want to send that message? Heineken is a popular, widely available, classier-than-Budweiser beer —what occasion isn't it perfect for? Actually, I can think of one: a super-exclusive snake-fighting event on a boat. They’d probably go with a microbrew.

Video detail

Creative Directors: Stuart Jennings, Brandon Henderson
Copywriter: Brandon Henderson
Art Director: Stuart Jennings
Producer: Nick Setounski
Account Supervisor: Karla Stewart
Executive Creative Directors: Ian Reichenthal, Scott Vitrone
Agency Head of Content Production: Gary Krieg
Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks
Director: Noam Murro
Executive Producer: Colleen O’Donnell
Producer: Jay Veal
Editorial Company: Cut + Run Editorial
Editor: Steve Gandolfi
Post Producer: Beth Fitzpatrick
Post Executive Producer: Rana Martin
VFX Company: Moving Pictures Company LA
VFX Supervisors: Michael Wynd, Jake Montgomery
Lead Flame: Jake Montgomery
Lead 3D: Michael Wynd
3D Animation: Ian Wilson
3D Texture/Lighting: Fred Durand
Nuke: Elliot Brennan
Nuke: Lisa Ryan
VFX Producer: Chris Harlowe
VFX Head of Production: Andrew Bell
Music: Human

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