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10 Ridiculously Patriotic Ads for the Fourth of July


My fellow Americans, Fourth of July weekend is upon us again: Time to kick back with a corn dog and a Bud, watch some fireworks, and celebrate the founding, 235 years ago, of the greatest country that has ever existed—will ever, could ever exist. That's the attitude of U.S. advertisers around this time, anyway. Below, check out 10 enthusiastic flag-waving commercials of recent years—from the loud and boisterous to the quietly poignant to the hopelessly hokey and frighteningly jingoistic. A whole melting pot of ads! America the beautiful—it wouldn't be quite the same without a marketing angle.

  1. Dan Gamel RVs, "Patriotic"

    Let's start with this stirring jingle celebrating our God-given right to roam this land from sea to shining sea … in a Dan Gamel recreational vehicle! Honk if you love that Iwo Jima Memorial.
  2. 7-Eleven, "The New American"

    This spot, which aired during the Statue of Liberty's centennial in 1986, tells the story of an Asian immigrant fulfilling a dream by coming to America and making a new start with a job at 7-Eleven. The downside? She leaves her kids behind, and doesn't see them for the next six years! Bittersweet, but points for honesty.
  3. Chevrolet, "Our Country"

    One of the most fully realized Americana spots ever made. John Mellencamp sings "Our Country" for Chevrolet as a parade of American clichés filter through. It was controversial for including images of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr., who probably didn't realize they were selling trucks at the time.
  4. Dodge Challenger, "Freedom"

    George Washington sends the Redcoats fleeing as he charges their line in a Dodge Challenger in this amusing 2010 spot. Wonderfully shot. Not quite historically accurate. Great Michael C. Hall voiceover at the end.
  5. Coca-Cola, "Red White and You"

    Coca-Cola—probably the most iconic American advertiser of all. At its cheesy best in this 1980s celebration of the homeland.
  6. RC Cola, "Be Free"

    Not to be outdone by Coke's ads, RC Cola whipped up this catchy America-loving commercial in the '90s. RC preferred to be outdone in the market instead.
  7. Anheuser-Busch, "Heroes Salute"

    Throughout the wars of the past decade, many advertisers have thanked American troops in their ads. This 2005 Super Bowl spot from DDB and director Joe Pytka set the bar for the genre.
  8. American Airlines, "Putting Them First"

    But actually, this 2010 American Airlines spot from TM Advertising might be better than the A-B spot. An old white man (perhaps a World War II veteran) salutes a young black female solider in an airport. Quiet, subtle and superb.
  9. Budweiser, "9/11 Tribute"

    The Clydesdales travel to New York and pay their respects to the Statue of Liberty and Ground Zero just months after 9/11. From the 2002 Super Bowl.
  10. Pabst Blue Ribbon

    We'll end it on a lighter note, with Tom Raper's full-bodied, quite crazy and very unofficial endorsement of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Tom doesn't have all his facts right, but he sure is passionate. "What I like the best about this beer is the taste," he says. "It's not, like, smooth. It's not drinkable. But that's what is good about it. When you drink it down your throat, it gives you a good feeling, like George Washington is actually going down your throat to fight the Brits and the Redcoats and Indians." A true patriot. 
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