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Peep Laja - "Ugh... Webinars" That's what Georgina Laudi of Unbounce thought when the idea...

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"Ugh... Webinars"

That's what Georgina Laudi of Unbounce thought when the idea of using webinars as a customer education channel was brought up.

But, as it turns out, webinars have become responsible for 35% of their overall lead acquisition efforts, and are the #1 source for their free trial starts.

So... maybe they're worth paying attention to?

How Unbounce Used Webinars To Increase Free Trial Starts By 35%
I know what you're thinking, "Ugh... webinars..." I couldn't agree with you more. They're played out, they can feel dirty, and definitely have a high reputation of being - in general - thinly veiled pitch feasts. But then again, Lars Lofgren told me in...