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Best Marketing - „There is no such thing as Facebook marketing in itself. Social is not the objec...

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„There is no such thing as Facebook marketing in itself. Social is not the objective, it is the best way to reach your objective. Creative matters and always will. Deep engagement sells. Say boring, repetitive stuff and, like in any conversation, people will exclude you and start ignoring you. Click-through-rates do not equal business results. Don’t rely on them only. Good content is social content. Good content is „thumb friendly“. The key is to reach your target audience. Spend only where people are spending time (mobile, social), be genuinly useful to people. Move fast and break things (experiment).“ - Facebooki Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa (CEE) partnersuhete juht Illya Kondratyuk, kes pole viimased 5 aastat ennast Facebookist välja loginud @ Best Internet 2013.