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Yell - Päris asjalik artikkel Lifehackeris neile, kes ei suuda oma päevarutiinis piisav...

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Päris asjalik artikkel Lifehackeris neile, kes ei suuda oma päevarutiinis piisavalt aega, et haarata kätte üks mõnus raamat ja korraks aeg maha võtta. Nii, paljud teist oleks nüüd nõus Yell!i raamatuklubiga liituma? ;) (Coffeeless Marek)

How to Fit Reading Into Your Schedule and Actually Finish the Books You Want to Read
Chances are that you've said to yourself, at least once, that you need to read more. Whether you're too busy to read a book or you just have trouble getting attached to one, we have a few tips to help you schedule in your reading so you actually get it done and enjoy it. The main reason it's...