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Yell - Nooo sotsiaalmeediahaid, millise vahega postitusi teete? Härrad TechCrunchis on...

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Nooo sotsiaalmeediahaid, millise vahega postitusi teete? Härrad TechCrunchis on välja tulnud värske uuringuga, et optimaalne paus postituste vahel on 3 tundi. Seda siis muidugi juhul, kui teie sisul on kaalu. Visake igastahes pilk peale :) (Le Marek)

TechCrunch | Study: Facebook Pages Shouldn’t Post More Than 1x Every 3 hours
The average news feed post by a Facebook Page receives Likes and comments for 3 hours after being published. To maximize the engagement, impressions, and traffic driven by the news feed, Facebook Page owners should wait at least 3 hours between posts. This new finding from a study by Facebook Page...