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Velvet - (janno) Wohoo! Meist on kirjutatud artikkel TechCrunchis .. Noh, ok, Jomist kirj...

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(janno) Wohoo! Meist on kirjutatud artikkel TechCrunchis .. Noh, ok, Jomist kirjutati, sest nad on nii tublid .. Aga meie nimi on ka sees! ..

Jomi’s Smart Water Bottle Sleeve-Plus-App Wants To Track & Chart Your Liquid Intake To Make You Drin
Move over HAPIfork. Estonian startup Jomi Interactive is cooking up a pair of smart devices that will remind people to drink more water. Or at least whatever liquid/poison of choice you put in your water bottle. The aim, says the startup, is to encourage healthy behaviour and counteract the mild d..