otsi ava laiendatud otsing

Best Marketing - Hando: kuigi selle artikli toon on, et "vaid veidi rohkem kui 1/3 tahvelarvutite...

Lisa oma blogi
Hando: kuigi selle artikli toon on, et "vaid veidi rohkem kui 1/3 tahvelarvutite omanikest on valmis uudiste eest maksma", tundub mulle, et pea 40% valmisolek uudiste eest maksta on päris hea (USA andmed siis)

Tablet owners still won't pay to read the news
Though accessing the news is one of the most popular activities among tablet owners, most are still hesitant to pay for the privilege, says a new study from Pew Research. Read this blog post by Lance Whitney on Digital Media.