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Peep Laja - Google millalgi teatas, et veebilehe laadimiskiirus on üks otsingutulemuste fakt...

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Google millalgi teatas, et veebilehe laadimiskiirus on üks otsingutulemuste faktoritest. Nüüd saabus täpsustus, et vaid ca 1 leht 1000st on nii halb, et see loeb neile. Seega reaalsuses see enamikke tegelikult ei puuduta

Google: 1% Of Searches Affected By Site Speed Ranking Factors
In a recent video posted on the Google Webmaster Central YouTube Channel, Matt Cutts answered the question How does Google determine page speed? In his answer, he said approximately 1 out of 100 searches are affected by the site speed ranking factor. Cutts said, 1 out of 100 searches done on Google ...