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22.06.2011, Veebiklubi
(Siim Lepisk) IAB uus bänneristandard Portrait aitab bänneripimeduse vastu: AOl have partnered in the UK with Tesco to launch the new devil takeover and new IAB ad unit. As you will see the ad unit is quite impactful and has nearly 33% of the page real estate. These are the type of new formats advertisers are looking to use going forwards, especially media agencies. The reason being these ad units have more versatility compared to standard banners, for example they have an interactive toggle bar, embedded video player and small MPU. The design and format template was a joint collaboration between the IAB and AOL and it proving quite successful. IPG and AOL carried out a study on the effectiveness of the ad. In their study they concluded this ad was an evolution in engagement, influence and connection with consumers. With Blackberry next in line to carry a Homepage takeover these units will drive softer brand metrics. Wall Photos
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