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30.10.2014, Imagine
Meil on hea uudis! Juba homme toimub Imagine 11 seminar, millest läbi Swarmplaneti keskkonna võivad kõik huvilised saada osa reaalajas. Seminarist videopildi vahendusel osa saamiseks tuleb end registreerida veebilehel , laadida Google Play või Apple App Store keskkondadest alla APP nimega "swarm player" ning avada aplikatsioon seminari ajal. Vaata ürituse Facebooki teemalehte: SEMINARI KAVA: 10:00 Sissejuhatus seminaripäeva, esinejate ja päevakava tutvustamine Margo Kütt, CEO & founder, Imagine, Estonia 10:15 Kuidas Imagine kliendid saavad kasutada maailma suurimat reklaamiketti TheNetworkOne enda kasuks välisturgudel ja ekspordis Julian Boulding, president, TheNetworkOne, UK Kuna Julian Bolding on meie seminaripäeval Miamis, maailma suurimal PR-konverentsil Holmes Group Global Public Relations Summit, räägime Julianiga Eesti ettevõtjate võimalustest välisturgudel Skype’i vahendusel. 10:30 Creating offline traffic from Live online television. What new marketing & business opportunities will occur? Magnus Hansson, CEO, Swarmplanet, Sweden Swarmplanet's Cloudbased multicast solution delivers live video streaming of live events, where flash crowds are the norm and low-latency, real-time performance and QoE are essential. Swarmplanet is offering a cost-efficient, robust and white-labelled solution. Sports companies, entertainment companies and broadcasters in general are able to use the service with their branding to reach their customers with a live video stream and advertisers have new LIVE-advertising opportunities to incriese awarenesss of their brands, products and services. With this technology everybody can be a TV-producer and earn some part of advertising budgets.* 11:15 Paus 11:30 Pirates are back Eka Ruola, CEO & ECD, Hasan & Partners, Finland Hasan & Partners is a 23-year old marketing communications agency with 76 people based in Helsinki and Stockholm. Strategic thinkers, persistent doers, developers, photographers, writers, designers and storytellers — a diverse group of creative minds with relentless curiosity towards all things new, have seen both heaven and hell. Currently Hasan & Partners is one of the most awarded agencies in Northern Europe and was selected by the marketers as the #1 agency in Finland in 2012 and 2013 and the Finnish agency of the Year in 2013. Eka is working with the clients as Valio, Tallink Silja, Karhu, Fazer, Felix, Helsingin Sanomat, etc. and will talk about success of Hasan & Partners and their clients.* 12:15 Paus 12:30 Crazy: Chaos, creativity & the double-crested cormorant Robert Duncan, president & founder, Duncan/Channon, USA The most effective response to the chaos in our lives is the creation of new forms of literature, music, poetry, art and cinema, said Werner Herzog, a German film director, producer, screenwriter, author, actor and opera director. Robert Duncan is crazy creative guy who have created with his partners one of the most loved and most hated agency in California, USA. Robert is first time in Tallinn to talk about his clients success stories.* 13:15 Paus 14:00 The shift from creating communication for products to creating products that communicate Lorenz Ritter, creative director, Kolle Rebbe, Germany It's something what Kolle Rebbe does for clients like Google, Misereor, cosmetic brand "Stop The Water While Using Me!", etc.* 14:45 Paus 15:00 Disruption and Rules Ali Jelveh, CEO, Protonet, Germany How todays technology based World two same products can totally differentiate each other. How important is service design behind that. Protonet has only one vision: to build the simplest server in the world. To do that, Protonet have built the hardware and software to eliminate the need for cloud services and for IT expertise. Users – whoever they are - simply need to press a button to start the process of data ownership and control.* 15:30 Seminari kokkuvõtted koos esinejatega Imagine Designer Awards 2014 välja kuulutamine 16:00 Seminari lõpp *Ettekanne toimub inglise keeles
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