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Best Marketing - Apotheka turundusjuht Mervi Lill rääkis, et inimese eluiga on viimase 200 aasta...

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Apotheka turundusjuht Mervi Lill rääkis, et inimese eluiga on viimase 200 aasta jooksul kahekordistunud. Trend: YOUNGER LONGER, aga see loomulikult ei tule tasuta. Arenenud maailmas on saamas domineerivaks kliendigrupiks 60+. Piitspeenikesed noored modellid on asendumas märksa küpsematega. Saage näiteks tuttavaks 62-aastase America Appareli modelli Jacky’ga. #wazzap2014

Meet Jacky

There was something so compelling about Jacky's look and energy when we first spotted her in a New York restaurant this winter, we introduced ourselves and pulled up a chair. During a long discussion that touched on everything from career choices and nutrition to insights on relationships, age and beauty, we asked if she would consider being photographed by us. We were thrilled when she agreed. Here are some photos we've taken of Jacky over the last few months showing how she likes to wear American Apparel. We hope you enjoy them.