otsi ava laiendatud otsing


22.06.2011 The Music Never Stops
Agentuur: Luducca, Brasiilia Klient: MTV
22.06.2011 Kes turundab sotsiaalmeedias, kui kõik on puhkusel?
Terve aasta olete edukalt sotsmeedias turundanud ja nüüd on käes suvi ja on aeg võtta paarinädalane puhkus? Mida teha aga Facebooki fännidega ja blogi lugejatega, kes ootavad teie postitusi ja vajavad teie abi? Sotsiaalmeedias ei puhata Kõige parim lahendus on otseloomulikult...
22.06.2011 Six Questions: Peter Vesterbacka
22.06.2011 Five Shops Reach Finals in BMW Review
BMW of North America has narrowed the field in its creative review. The automaker is reviewing its general market and multicultural business. Still vying for the general market piece are The Martin Agency in Richmond, Va., Gotham in New York, Grey West in San Francisco, Ki...
22.06.2011 Hill Holliday Expands Shetty's Role
More than five years after joining Hill Holliday, Baba Shetty’s role continues to grow. Most recently chief media officer, Shetty today became chief strategy officer—a new position that adds brand planning to his list of responsibilities. (As media chief, he led media and ...
21.06.2011 Droga5 Wins Outdoor Grand Prix for Jay-Z's 'Decoded' Campaign
Droga5 in New York nabbed the Grand Prix in Outdoor at Cannes on Tuesday for its playful, ingenious and grand out-of-home campaign for Jay-Z's autobiography, Decoded.      The campaign was a scavenger hunt. The agency hid all 320 pages of the book (mostly blown-up versions...
21.06.2011 Media Grand Prix Goes to South Korea's Cheil for Virtual Grocery Store
Hate shopping for groceries? You'll like this year's Grand Prix winner in the Media Lions contest at Cannes.      Cheil Worldwide in South Korea took home the coveted prize for creating a virtual grocery store in a Seoul subway for Tesco (the British chain that's been rena...
21.06.2011 Network BBDO Takes Radio Grand Prix With Creepy Mercedes Ads
Network BBDO in Johannesburg, South Africa, has won the Radio Grand Prix at the 2011 Cannes Lions for a set of creepy-comic ads promoting Mercedes-Benz's accident avoidance features.      The narrators of the three spots are drivers who've been in car accidents, and now fi...
21.06.2011 New Xbox Kinect Ads Encourage Gamer Participation
Thanks to new technology designed to work with Microsoft’s Xbox 360 console and the movement-based Kinect add-on that can be paired with it, users won’t just be able to watch and listen to ads—they’ll be able to interact with them, too. On Tuesday, Microsoft is planning to...
21.06.2011 Six Questions: Miles Young
Blog pages brightcove.createExperiences();
21.06.2011 Six Questions: Miles Young
21.06.2011 It's the Creatives' Turn at Cannes
The jam band's deep bass line made it impossible to do Web video interviews outside the Majestic Hotel. It's after 5 p.m. now and the creatives are restless and starting their party early.      After three days of relatively buttoned-up behavior while the media and digital...
21.06.2011 Gillette Paints, Then Shaves, a Giant Grassy Roger Federer
Gillette has gone from grooming to landscaping in England, where it painted, and then shaved, a huge portrait of Roger Federer in a field. The concept of the stunt, which promotes Gillette's Fusion ProGlide razors, was helped along by the company's Facebook community, who ob...
21.06.2011 Children (and Husbands) Still Going Rogue in Walmart's Latest Ads
Having cute kids can be a real pain in the ass. Like when your daughter hilariously glues your brand-new smartphone to the wall of her dollhouse, so her Barbie can have a flat-screen TV. Husbands can also be real gems, undermining your authority by behaving like children and...
21.06.2011 Samsung tegi olümpiakampaaniaks spetsiaalse logo
Samsung avalikustas oma uue olümpialogo, mida tuntakse nime Samsung Olympic Visual Identity System (SOVIS) all.
21.06.2011 Full Winners Lists: Direct, Promo, PR
Click through to see all the winners in these categories: Direct Lions Promo & Activation Lions PR Lions
21.06.2011 Shortlists Unveiled in Cyber and Design Lions
Click through to see the shortlists in these categories: Cyber Lions Design Lions
21.06.2011 Canada Gets a Little More Violent in Spoof Tourism Ad
Canadian tourism advertising takes a violent turn in Jimmy Kimmel's faux commercial that uses footage from the riots in Vancouver after the Canucks lost the Stanley Cup finals. A voiceover informs us that in the land of strip malls and snow, "The people aren't nice anymore."...
21.06.2011 Ad of the Day: Sony
If imitation is the highest form of flattery, then self-imitation is probably the highest form of self-flattery. That seems to be the main takeaway from this Sony U.K. spot promoting the brand's 3-D broadcast of Wimbledon. The ad is a remake of the famous 2005 U.S. Sony Brav...
21.06.2011 Tiit Vähi jäädvustas end betooni
Ehitus- ja korvpallitegelane, Eesti Betooniühingu 1. auliige Aadu Kana ning endine peaminister ja Silmet Grupi nõukogu esimees Tiit Vähi jäädvustasid 16. juunil Kunda tsemendimuuseumis oma käejäljed ajaloo jaoks betooni.
21.06.2011 Allahindlused ei soosi kliendilojaalsuse teket
Turunduskonsultant Indrek Saul leiab, et allahindlused võivad küll rahva poodi tuua, kuid emotsioonidel põhinevat usaldust, mis on aluseks kliendilojaalsusele, selline turustusvõte ei tekita.
21.06.2011 Põltsamaa Felixi jaanipäeva müük kõigi aegade kõrgeim
Eesti juhtiva toiduainetetootja Põltsamaa Felixi tänavuse aasta jaanipäeva kampaaniatoodete – ketšupi, majoneesi ja aedviljasalatite - müük on ettevõttele kõigi aegade kõrgeimad.  
21.06.2011 The Spot: Cinema Sorta Vérité
GENESIS: In France, customers of telecom Orange can buy one movie ticket and get one free every Tuesday—perfect if you want to bring a friend along. The brief for advertising this promotion was simple: Dramatize the idea of getting closer to the richness of cinema. The agenc...
21.06.2011 Fixing Your Tarnished Brand
By any definition, Steven C. Wyer was a savvy marketer and brand creator. In the course of three decades, the Nashville entrepreneur had worked in TV production, started a nutritional-products company, and founded a direct-marketing firm. Later, he branched out into real est...
21.06.2011 Allahindlused võimaldavad brändi väärtuse rahaks teha
Tänasel suvealguse päeval tasub heita pilk suve teisele poolele, kui on oodata näiteks suvegarderoobi allahindluste algust, kus prevaleerivad brändikaubad.

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