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23.06.2011 Six Questions: Laura Desmond
23.06.2011 Six Questions: Laura Desmond
Blog pages brightcove.createExperiences();
22.06.2011 Six Questions: Steve Simpson
Blog pages brightcove.createExperiences();
22.06.2011 Six Questions: Steve Simpson
22.06.2011 JWT Shanghai Wins Press Grand Prix for Samsonite Print Ad
A print ad for Samsonite's Cosmolite suitcase, depicting a classical-style heaven-and-hell scene, has earned JWT Shanghai the Grand Prix in the 2011 Press Lions contest at Cannes.      The point of the piece was to emphasize the product's durability. Thus, the ad shows fir...
22.06.2011 Chicago's Digital Kitchen Earns Design Grand Prix for Digitizing Hotel Interior
The U.S. has earned its second Grand Prix of the 2011 Cannes Lions, with Digital Kitchen in Chicago topping the Design contest for its stunning, digitally infused interior-design work at the The Cosmopolitan hotel in Las Vegas.      The Cosmopolitan is an iconic luxury bra...
22.06.2011 Google, Wieden, R/GA Each Pick Up a Cyber Grand Prix
Google Creative Lab, Wieden + Kennedy, and R/GA each won a Cyber Grand Prix at the 2011 Cannes Lions on Wednesday—for an Arcade Fire video, the Old Spice response campaign on YouTube, and the "Pay With a Tweet" social-media currency system, respectively.      The Arcade Fi...
22.06.2011 Naistele teevad reklaami mehed
Cannes´i reklaamifestivali publiku hulgas on mehi vaid kröömikese võrra rohkem, kui naisi. Samas on teada, et vaid 3 protsenti reklaamiala tipptasemel loovinimestest on naised.
22.06.2011 Ad of the Day: Presidential Car Wash
Rhett & Link, the musical-comedy team of Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal, have made a name for themselves by creating intentionally bad commercials for local businesses across America. Now, they're getting their own TV show. Rhett & Link: Commercial Kings premieres Friday at ...
22.06.2011 Robert Redford meenutas Cannes’is noorust
Tänavu 58. korda toimuv Reklaamifestival Cannes Lions kümbleb tavapäraselt meediamaailma kuuluste säras. Üks neis on Ameerika filminäitleja ja lavastaja Robert Redford.
22.06.2011 Watch the First Episode of Rhett & Link's IFC Show 'Commercial Kings'
Expect to hear an unforgettable jingle for a colonic clinic, and see a real python, fake AK-47s and stuffed wildlife. Not all in the same commercial, mind you. Even so, YouTube darlings and local-commercial experts Rhett and Link aren't trying to be outrageous for its own sa...
22.06.2011 Menstrual Brand Squeezes 25 Pet Names for Vagina Into New Song
Who doesn't love a good song about vaginas? Created by ad agency St. Luke's for Mooncup (an insertable, reusable, silicon menstrual cup), this little ditty is intended to celebrate the various monikers of the mossy cottage, the little slit that somehow never seems to have as...
22.06.2011 Full Winners Lists: Outdoor, Media, Radio
Click through to see all the winners in these categories: Outdoor Lions Media Lions Radio Lions
22.06.2011 Six Questions: Peter Vesterbacka
Blog pages brightcove.createExperiences();
22.06.2011 Stride Challenges You to Break Records for Long-Lasting Activities
Most of us can find perfectly enjoyable ways to waste our time without brand intervention. For those dullards who can't, JWT and Stride gum—of "Ridiculously long lasting" fame—picked June 21, the longest day of the year, to launch a contest centered on breaking "records" for...
22.06.2011 Koolilõpupeod tõstsid pealinna moekaupluste läbimüüki
Juunis toimunud koolilõpupeod tõid pealinna poodidesse tavalisest suurema ostuaktiivsuse. Tallinna vilistlaste vanemad kulutasid koolilõpetajate piduliku riietuse peale keskmiselt 150 eurot.
22.06.2011 Out Of Office
John Borthwick, CEO, betaworks "Occasionally Shelter Island [N.Y.], but mostly in [New York’s] meatpacking district, doing what we do, which isn’t (normally) packing meat." Dan Abrams, publisher/ABC legal analyst "I rent a house in Southampton, which I will try to use a...
22.06.2011 Digital Losing Out on Campaign Ad Billions
These days, no self-respecting candidate would launch a campaign without a website, some online video, a Facebook page, and a good list of email addresses. (The really brave will have a Twitter account, too.) Indeed, President Obama launched his re-election campaign by tur...
22.06.2011 Cannes`is selgusid raadio, välireklaami ja meedia kategooriate võitjad
Täna jagati Cannes Lions reklaamifestivalil välja järgmine ports Grand Prix`e.
22.06.2011 Koduekstra näeb allahindlusi lisaväärtuse tekitajana
E24 turundusrubriik uurib sel nädalal allahindluste teemat. Enne veel kui jaanipidustused algavad, jõuame tutvuda ühe Eesti suurima kodukaupade müüja Koduekstra kogemusega. 
22.06.2011 Banana Republic Gets 'Mad Men' Makeover
Banana Republic is going to make you look more like Don Draper and Joan Harris. The brand is teaming up with AMC’s Mad Men to produce a collection of '60s-inspired pieces this summer. Mad Men and Banana Republic have collaborated before in marketing promotions, but this time...
22.06.2011 U.K. Ad Spending Forecast Downgraded
British media investment management firm Group M downgraded its forecast for U.K. ad spending for 2011. The company now predicts 1.5 percent total growth of U.K. ad spending year on year, compared to its initially more bullish 3.6 percent prediction. Television and print m...
22.06.2011 Selgusid Cannes Lions 2011 raadio, meedia ja outdoor kategooriate võitjad
Teisipäeval, 22. juunil jagati Cannes Lionsil lõvisid raadio, outdoor ja meedia kategooriates. Raadio Grand Prix läks BBDO Johannesburgile Mercedese reklaami eest "Accident avoidance features". Meedia kategooria peaauhinna võitis Korea Cheil'i poolt Tescole tehtud virtuaalne t...
22.06.2011 Sügisel on oodata uut iPhone`i
Apple plaanib septembris turule tuua uue iPhone`i, mis on kiirem ja parema kaameraga, vahendab Bloomberg asjassepühendatud allikate infot.
22.06.2011 Cannes Lionsi Promo & Activation auhind läks Rumeeniasse
Sel nädalal alanud reklaamifestivali Cannes Lions esimese kategooriavõidu võttis McCann Ericksoni Bukaresti kontor, kes võitis šokolaadile tehtud kampaania eest ka Direct Lionsi auhinna.

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