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28.06.2011 Galerii: pidustused Hiinas kommunistliku partei juubeli eel
Rahvusvahelised fotoagentuurid on hakanud tegema ülesvõtteid suurtest pidustustest, mis tähistavad Hiina kommunistliku partei juubelit. Kuna Hiina omab üha kasvavat mõjujõudu globaalses majanduses, tasub kindlasti pildimaterjaliga tutvuda, saamaks paremat ettekujutust sellest ...
28.06.2011 Globaalne kulutus reklaamile vähenemas, kuid veduriks on Hiina
Rahvusvaheline meediaagentuur ZenithOptimedia hindab tänavuseks aastaseks reklaamikulude kasvuks 4,2 protsenti, mis on pisut vähem, kui oli sama prognoos pool aastat tagasi.
28.06.2011 Mart Saa on Arco Vara uus turundusjuht
Arco Vara Kinnisvarabüroo AS juhatuse liige ja Eesti vahendusbüroo juht Mart Saa (40) võttis alates 20. juunist üle ka kogu kontserni turundustegevuse juhtimise.
28.06.2011 Cannes Lions 2011 Cyber Grand Prix: The Wilderness Downtown
Site: Agentuur: LAB New York Klient: Google
28.06.2011 Luiga Mody Hääl Borenius uus nimi on advokaadibüroo Borenius
Eesti üks suuremaid advokaadibüroosid Borenius korrastas oma ärinime ja uuendas visuaalset identiteeti.
28.06.2011 Kaasaegne ostlemissport: tee oma otsus 4 sekundi jooksul
Kui kiiresti aeguvate superpakkumiste tegemine on müügivaldkonnas saanud tavapraktikaks, siis  rootslaste ostlemiskeskkond on viinud ostusurve uuele tasemele: veebipoes tuleb otsus teha suisa 4 sekundiga.
27.06.2011 Love! Valor! Consumerism! New York Tourism's in Love With Same-Sex Marriage
Latch on to the news of the day and—voila!—an ad campaign appears. W Hotels, nimble in its marketing and liberal in its thinking, just launched a "Right to Unite" package that's perfectly timed for the summer tourist season and New York's newly passed same-sex marriage bill....
27.06.2011 Coca-Cola's Green Billboard Made of Plants That Absorb Air Pollution
Advertising doesn't get much greener than this: Coca-Cola and the World Wildlife Fund have unveiled a new 60-by-60-foot billboard in the Philippines that's covered in Fukien tea plants, which absorb air pollution. Each plant can absorb up to 13 pounds of carbon dioxide a yea...
27.06.2011 The Panelization of Media and Tech: Fanfare, Fame…Fatigue?
Another day, another panel. Or at least that’s how it started to feel this spring, when it was conference galore for New York’s technorati. In between breakfast summits sponsored by Google and cocktail receptions hosted by Facebook, they were rushing off to panels on all man...
27.06.2011 Geoffrey Rush Plays a Polish Peasant in Melbourne Film Fest Spot
This spot for the Melbourne International Film Festival, from Clemenger BBDO, takes a humorous stab at Polish cinema, as two potato peelers lament that their film is too boring to make it into the festival. While that may very well be true, it would probably have an awesome ...
27.06.2011 WPP Unit Targets Consumers With 'World's Largest' Profile Database
Just days after Google completed the rollout of its interest-based advertising service, WPP is jumping on the targeted-ad bandwagon with its own company that will link ad-buying technology with a massive database of consumer profiles, reports The Wall Street Journal. WPP i...
27.06.2011 Fotogalerii: eestlased Cannes Lionsil 2011
Cannes Lions 2011 loovusfestivalil osales tänavu Eestist ca 45 delegaati, kohal oli Taevas Ogilvy 11-liikmelise tiimiga, samuti oli osalejaid Divisionist, Kontuurist, Ideast, Tabascost, Age McCannist, Imagine'ist, Catapult'ist, Webmediast, Mediapoolist, Mindshare'ist ja MediaC...
27.06.2011 Hearst Brand Campaign Is 'Unbound'
Come Monday, Hearst Magazines will launch its latest “Unbound” campaign—but it’s not promoting any of its publications, like Cosmopolitan or Elle. Rather, the campaign seeks to promote the Hearst brand itself. “We’re unleashing our brand DNA,” Michael Clinton, president fo...
27.06.2011 Ad of the Day: Carl's Jr.
Last January for Absolut vodka, TBWA\Chiat\Day and director Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation) created a 30-minute short film that revolved around humanized robot themes including robot loneliness, robot love, and robot dismemberment. Now, David & Goliath is out ...
27.06.2011 NYC's 'Moustache Man' Subway Ad Vandal Finally Captured
In case you hadn't heard, an infamous criminal was captured last week following a lengthy manhunt. And I don't mean Whitey Bulger. NYC subway patrons can ride the trains without fear once more, now that 26-year-old Joseph Patrick Waldo, aka the Moustache Man, has been appreh...
27.06.2011 Cannes Lions 2011 filmikategooria Grand Prix võitis Nike'i ''Write the Future''
Nädalavahetusel lõppenud loovusfestivali Cannes Lions 2011 viimasel auhinnagalal jagati lõvisid reklaamfilmi ja reklaamikampaaniate kategooriates. Film Grand Prix läks Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdamile Nike'i "Write the Future" eest. Film Craft Grand Prix võitis Droga5 New York Puma...
27.06.2011 The Lion King
This has been my first year at the Cannes Lions festival. Cannes is the premier advertising festival, but, considering that it is preceded by the much more famous Cannes Film Festival, it can’t help but seem a little lame. When, at this time of the year, you say, “I’ll be ...
27.06.2011 Videogalerii: Cannesi filmikategooria võidutööd
58. korda toimunud Cannes Lionsi Grand Prix´ filmi kategoorias sai Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdami kontor, kes valmistas Nike`le võiks öelda lühifilmi «Write the Future».
27.06.2011 Kristina Šmigun-Vähi aitab uuel toiduainetööstusel turule tulla
Võrus alustas hiljuti tootmist uus toiduainetööstus Luha AV OÜ, mille meeskonnas lööb turundusalal kaasa mitmekordne olümpiavõitja Kristina Šmigun-Vähi.
27.06.2011 Inside the Campaign Ad Machine
Talk to enough political consultants, and sooner or later you’ll hear some variation on the same story: the one about the tiny, small-market TV stations that, come the year after a big election, suddenly find themselves with enough money to buy new furniture, remodel their s...
27.06.2011 Upfront Hits High Noon
While the 2011-12 upfront will be remembered for the sheer volume of dollars secured by the networks, one media agency titan won’t be looking back fondly on the spring selling season. According to multiple industry sources, GroupM badly misread the cable market, calculating ...
27.06.2011 P&G Does Dan Wieden’s Bidding
The success of Wieden + Kennedy’s “The man your man could smell like” campaign for Procter & Gamble’s Old Spice is well-documented: explosive brand sales growth and a slew of top industry awards that continued last week with a Cyber Grand Prix at Cannes for its “responses” e...
27.06.2011 Philip Morris Ignites Legal Battle With Aussies
The Australian government will make you think twice before lighting up. Lawmakers in Canberra have plans to remove all types of branding from cigarette packaging, replacing it with gruesome color photos of the ill effects of smoking. Tobacco monolith Philip Morris is the fir...
27.06.2011 FOTO: maailma parim pressis ilmunud reklaam
Mainekal Cannes´i reklaamikonkursil võitis pressikategoorias sel aastal Grand Prix Samsonite kohvritele loodud reklaam.
27.06.2011 FOTO: maailma parim pressis ilmunud reklaam
Mainekal Cannes´i reklaamikonkursil võitis pressikategoorias sel aastal Grand Prix Samsonite kohvritele loodud reklaam.

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