otsi ava laiendatud otsing


29.06.2011 Kust hankida infot turgude ja trendide kohta?
Küsimus, mis vaevab kõiki eksportijaid, on valdavalt seotud turuinfo, trendide, hinnatasemete, tarbijaharjumuste jms monitoorimisega tundmatul turul.
29.06.2011 Eesti Post uurib, milline otsepostireklaam inimesi huvitab
Eesti Post korraldab 30. juunist 12 juulini Harku, Rae ja Viimsi vallas ning Pirita linnaosas postisaajate andmete kogumise pilootprojekti, et selgitada välja, mis teemadel otsepostireklaamid inimestele huvi pakuvad.
29.06.2011 Saku loob uue alkovaba õlle kuvandit autoloosiga
Kui enne jaanipäeva tõi Saku turule alkoholivaba õlle Rock Zero, siis pärast pidustuste lõppu jätkab õlletootja uudistootele kuvandi loomist. Üle mitme aasta on Saku pannud tarbijamängu peaauhinnaks sõiduauto.
29.06.2011 Cannes Lions 2011 Cyber Grand Prix: Old Spice Response Campaign
Agentuur: Wieden + Kennedy Klient: Procter & Gamble
29.06.2011 Eesti Loto on hädas oma kodulehega
Eesti Loto poole on kirjaliku pretensiooniga pöördunud juba 14 inimest, kes ei ole saanud ID-kaardiga siseneda oma kontole lotofirma koduleheküljel, kirjutab Postimees.
29.06.2011 Käimas on sotsiaalmeedia revolutsioon
Elame huvitaval ajal. Üks paar viiest kohtub internetis. Kui Facebook oleks riik, oleks see maailma suuruselt kolmas riik. 50% USA populatsioonist on Facebookis. 412 000 eestlast kasutab aktiivselt Facebooki.   Vaata allolevaid videosid ja avastad veelgi rohkem jahmatama p...
28.06.2011 BMW Canada Cheats Death Again in Helipad Video
Following high-speed skids through car-shaped gaps in thick (supposedly) concrete walls, BMW Canada presents more insane stunt driving to promote its 1 Series M Coupe. Now, the brand wants to flip the bird at mortality by spinning doughnuts on the world's highest rooftop hel...
28.06.2011 Volkswagen Turns to the Dark Side in Greenpeace's Little Vader Parody
Greenpeace has jumped on the Volkswagen Little Vader spoof bandwagon, mocking the automaker's much-feted Super Bowl spot "The Force" with a new environmentally friendly online campaign. Marvel already parodied the VW ad with a mini-Thor spot to promote the comic publisher's ...
28.06.2011 Pepsi Ads Return to TV
In recent years, PepsiCo Inc. has been busy touting the its healthier offerings, but the healthier image has come at the expense of the company's flagship product, Pepsi-Cola. Last year, Pepsi sank to No. 3 in soda sales behind Coke and Diet Coke, a “huge embarrassment in a ...
28.06.2011 Ad of the Day: DirecTV
If the NFL season gets canceled this fall, at least Peyton and Eli Manning can fall back on their acting careers. Check out the trailer below for Football Cops, a fictional show from DirecTV and ad agency Deutsch New York (along with director Bryan Buckley), in which the Man...
28.06.2011 Don't Cook Yourself in a Toaster, Waffle Iron or Tanning Bed
Your beauty regimen probably doesn't include shoving your hands into a toaster or planting your face on a waffle iron. In addition to hurting, you know, like, a lot, the whole burnt-to-a-crisp look isn't really the best. But that's basically what you're doing in a tanning be...
28.06.2011 Six Questions: Sir Martin Sorrell
28.06.2011 Denver Water Finds Clever New Ways to Make You Feel Wasteful
Damn you, Sukle Advertising & Design! Once again, the agency is out to dry up all the summer fun with the latest installment of its "Use only what you need" conservation campaign for Denver Water. The new work contrasts how much H2O folks use on their lawns with the amount t...
28.06.2011 Rhett & Link to Bestow Awards for Craziest Local Commercials
Who needs a gold Lion when you can win a LoCo Award? Rhett and Link, the ubiquitous local-commercial experts who just launched their own IFC show, Commercial Kings, have kicked off a contest to honor other locally produced spots. They envision it as the Cannes of kitsch, or ...
28.06.2011 Ads for 2011 ESPY Awards Are Just So High School
Washington Wizards star John Wall earned something of a reputation for his dancing during his one year at the University of Kentucky, before being snapped up as the first pick of the 2010 NBA draft. The point guard, and his namesake fist-flex choreography, appear in this new...
28.06.2011 Justin Bieber Makes a Better Fragrance Ad With Jimmy Fallon
Justin Bieber continues to keep things butch with his new fragrance, Someday, the ad for which sent the Beliebers into fits of ecstasy a few weeks back. Now, Bieber is making fun of himself, his commercial, and fragrance ads in general with the parody spot below, co-starring...
28.06.2011 Elioni reklaamimüüki asus juhtima Markko Sojonen
Elioni reklaamimüüki,, ja keskkondades juhib alates 30. maist Markko Sojonen, kelle suurimateks väljakutseteks on Elioni portaalide reklaamivõimaluste arendamine ja reklaamiturul turuliidri positsiooni saavutamine, samuti IPTV reklaamilahen...
28.06.2011 MediaCom: Ajakirjade turul teevad ilma nišiajakirjad
Eesti ajakirjade turul on viimase poole aasta jooksul hakanud ilmuma koguni 6 uut ajakirja. Samal ajal ei ole kuulda olnud, et mõni ajakiri oleks tegevuse lõpetanud. Võiks öelda, et meil on olemas veel üks märk majanduse elavnemisest! MediaComi trükimeedia planeeringu juht Mar...
28.06.2011 Video From Angelina Jolie's Louis Vuitton Shoot Is Caked in Makeup
Guess what? Even when an A-list celebrity supposedly shows up "au natural" for an ad campaign, he or she may still be wearing heavy makeup. Shocker! It took the eagle-eyed fashion press all of 36 seconds to figure out that Angelina Jolie's "real moment" in Louis Vuitton's ne...
28.06.2011 Bauhof pakub tööd kujundajale
Rahvusvahelisel DIY-kaubanduskontseptsioonil põhinev Bauhofi kauplusekett pakub kvaliteetseid ehitus-, viimistlus-, aia- ja kodukaupu ka kõige nõudlikumale tarbijale kaheteistkümnes kaupluses Eestis ning viies kaupluses Leedus. Kui otsid head töökohta ning tahad oma teadmisi...
28.06.2011 Marketingi Instituut pakub turunduse lõputöö eest 300 eurot
Marketingi Instituut korraldab juba teist aastat Eesti ja välisülikoolides kaitstud turundusteemaliste bakalaureuse- ja magistritööde konkursi, selgitamaks 30. juuniks laekunud lõputöödest välja parimad ja premeerides neid rahaliselt.
28.06.2011 Video: Pepsi suvereklaamis on jõuluvana suvepuhkusel
  Pärast seda, kui Pepsi-Cola karastusjook kukkus eelmisel aastal USA turul kolmandale kohale (peale Coca-Colat ja Diet Coke`i), otsustas legendaarse joogibrändi omanik PepsiCo teha üle kolme aasta oma kuulsale joogile korraliku reklaamikampaania, kirjutab
28.06.2011 Fast Chat: Angus Hyland on Penguins, Michelin Man
What makes a successful logo? A successful logo is one that endures. It’s got to eventually be honest to the product it describes. It’s got to be simple. It’s got to be functional. And it has to have that other thing: It’s got to have character. Is there any classic caut...
28.06.2011 Aunt Jemima Brand Flips Into Television
A successful social media push for Aunt Jemima Frozen Breakfast has inspired a traditional TV ad, the brand’s first in five years. The online effort—the first of its kind for Aunt Jemima—revolves around a Facebook page, where consumers can download coupons, access recipes,...
28.06.2011 The Spot: One Big Family
GENESIS: BBH was in a rut with its KFC ads, always highlighting the same suburban families with 2.4 kids. The London agency felt the modern British family was changing, becoming more expansive and diverse thanks to the effects of divorce and remarriage. Yet, oddly, British p...

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