otsi ava laiendatud otsing


08.07.2011 Trailer Mash: July 8, 2011
After the holiday weekend’s takeover by robots and explosions (Transformers: Dark of the Moon), this weekend’s fare is, well, a bit more subdued. But nothing a rap legend and some ultra-cute animals can’t fix. Look out for Kevin James comedy vehicle, Zoo Keeper, in wide re...
08.07.2011 Air Baltic süüdistab Tartu lennujaama kehvas teeninduses
Air Balticu asepresident Janis Vanags põhjendab Tartu ja Riia vaheliste lendude lõpetamist Tartu lennujaama teeninduse kehva kvaliteediga.
08.07.2011 EAS: turismiäris on sümbolist kasu ainult koos tootega
Eesti riigi turismitööstuse tüürimine on usaldatud Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse kätte. Millisel viisil kasutatakse Eesti kui reisisihtpaiga tutvustamisel ja müümisel rahvuslikke sümboleid ning legende, rääkis EASi turismiarenduskeskuse direktor Tarmo Mutso.
08.07.2011 Febreze Can Mask Even the Most Putrid Surroundings
Folks are approached by strangers on the streets of SoHo, blindfolded and whisked away to strange, smelly locations. That's typical treatment in NYC, and locals are surely used to it by now. But this is a new Febreze fabric freshener "Breathe Happy" campaign by Grey New Yor...
08.07.2011 Video: kuidas müüa neile, kes sinust kuuldagi ei taha
Turundusguru Seth Godin rõhutab, et idee on edukas vaid siis, kui see õnnestub maha müüa ja seda levitada. Miks ühed ideed kasvavad suureks ja teised mitte? See sõltub sellest, kellele oma ideed müüte.
08.07.2011 Piltuudis: maakohas saab välireklaami panna otse põllukärule
Põlluharimine ja reklaamitöö käivad käsikäes Jänedal, mis on küla otse Harjumaa piiri taga Lääne-Virumaal Piibe maantee ääres.
08.07.2011 Briti suurim kõmuleht paneb skandaali tõttu uksed kinni
Briti üks vanemaid kõmulehti „News of the World“ lõpetab hiigelsuurde pealtkuulamisskandaali sattumise tõttu tegevuse.
08.07.2011 Kalev: Kalevipoja šokolaad müüb hästi Soome laevadel
Rääkides sel nädalal rahvuslike sümbolite kasutamisest turunduses, pole selle ala pioneeri vaja kaugelt otsida. Šokolaaditootja Kalev on rahvuslike märkidega tooteid valmistanud ja müünud juba aastakümneid.
08.07.2011 Ad of the Day: Nike
Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam’s “Write the Future” campaign for Nike, which ran during the 2010 World Cup, has been more or less celebrated to death. Yesterday, the shop put out new work for the brand, this time around Latin America’s regional contest, Copa America, happening ...
07.07.2011 DirecTV Pulls New Ad From YouTube After Debate Turns 'R-Rated'
After launching a new TV spot in the vein of its popular "Russian Billionaire" ads, DirecTV has abruptly pulled the commercial from YouTube due to a flood of negative comments. Posted for only a few days on DirecTV's official channel, the ad by Grey New York sparked heated ...
07.07.2011 Would You Pay $1000 for Jeter's Dirty Sock?
Yankees fans are champing at the bit to see Derek Jeter finally reach his 3000th hit—something that no Yankee has ever done—and with only three hits to go, that feat could be accomplished in the next game or two. But where baseball fans see an historic event, marketers se...
07.07.2011 Pad Ad Takes the Bold Step of Showing Periods Are Actually Red
Behold, ladies, our monthly menstrual cycle really is a period. One tiny, tidy, perfectly round drop of blood in the middle of your ultrathin Always panty liner. Whew! That'll make cheerleading, swimming, and horseback riding, all in form-fitting white outfits, so much more...
07.07.2011 AKQA's Bari Joins Eleven
In an effort to build a digital search practice, San Francisco independent Eleven has hired Lisa Bari, the director of client services at AKQA Search. Bari is joining Eleven as director of search marketing, a new position at the agency. In June, Virgin America expanded its...
07.07.2011 Three Shops Advance in LendingTree's Search
Three agencies remain in the running in's search for a new agency to reposition the brand.  Leo Burnett, Young & Rubicam, and 22squared emerged from a group of eight shops that presented ideas to LendingTree executives, according to Mona Marimow, LendingTre...
07.07.2011 Ligi tunneb puudust kainetest ajakirjanikest
Valitsuse tänasel pressikonverentsil noomis rahandusminister Jürgen Ligi meediat ja soovitas toimetustel otsida suveks tööle mõni kaine ajakirjanik.
07.07.2011 Kas Pärnu spaahotell julgustab magama ühes voodis mitmekesi?
Pärnu spaahotell Tervis on tulnud oma 40. juubeli puhul välja suurema kampaaniaga «Koli suveks Pärnu», kus jätab otsad lahti, mitmekesi ühte voodikohta kasutada.
07.07.2011 TNT Makes a Scene in NYC Windows to Promote New Seasons
Attention, wannabe detectives, Manhattan pedestrians and/or Rizzoli & Isles fans: Cable channel TNT has a crime for you to solve. To promote the popular show's second season, a new street-level display at 6th Avenue and 21st Street in Chelsea lets you peep into a crime scen...
07.07.2011 Millennials Are Clueless Narcissists in Toyota's Empty Nester Ads
Sorry twentysomethings, but according to Saatchi & Saatchi L.A.’s new campaign for the Toyota Venza, your parents don’t miss you. In fact, they’re out riding bikes with their friends while you’re self-obsessing and underestimating their physical capabilities. The best of th...
07.07.2011 SoBe Gives Kate Upton's Cleavage Its Own Commercial
Just five months after being named Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Rookie of the Year, 19-year-old Kate Upton is already proving that she's more than just a bountiful bikini filler. Oh wait, no, that's still all she's really doing as star of the new SoBe ad, in which a guy is...
07.07.2011 Tallinna Vesi aastaraamat 2010
Jälle on aasta mööda saanud ja valminud on uus Tallinna Vesi aastaraamat. Nagu ikka oli ka seekord Tallinna Veele oluline oma töötajate esile tõstmine, kuna tänu nendele on head nii kvaliteedinäitajad kui majandusnäitajad. Seetõttu korraldasime seekord fotosessiooni, kus ettev...
07.07.2011 Upcider – 100 % naeratust!
Hartwall Upcider on Eesti turul olnud mõned aastad, aga eelmisest aastast on ta lettides ka poole liitrise pudeliga. Upcider on naturaalsete maitsete ja hea kvaliteediga siider, mis seni reklaami nappuse tõttu ei ole väga tähelepanu saanud. Nüüd hakkab see muutuma ja loodame, ...
07.07.2011 Karlo Funk: kalevipoegimisest Eesti kuvandini
E24 küsis Eesti Filmi Sihtasutuselt, kuidas Eesti filmitööstus saaks oma toodangus kasutada rahvuslikke legende ja sümboleid, et Eestile välismaal reklaami teha. Alljärgnevas loos leiab sihtasutuse peaekspert Karlo Funk, et see on mitme otsaga asi, kus abi võib olla oskuslikus...
07.07.2011 Marmite Spokescritters Have Had Their Fill of Haute Cuisine
I've always thought the word Marmite sounds vaguely Biblical. Go-eth ye not into the land of the Marmites, sayeth the Lord! In fact, it's a thick, yeast-based food paste that's especially popular in Britain. DDB's new campaign for the goop features an animated frog and snai...
07.07.2011 ExxonMobil Narrows Creative Field in Global Review
The long-awaited cut among creative agencies in ExxonMobil’s global review has finally come down. Still standing are BBDO, DDB and McCann Erickson. DDB handles fuel advertising and McCann creates ads for lubricants and chemicals. Euro RSCG, which leads corporate image effo...
07.07.2011 Y&R Changes CEOs in New York
Young & Rubicam, looking to shake its recent stretch of business erosion, is changing leadership in New York. Tom Sebok, the agency's president and CEO for North America, is replacing Jane Barratt as president and CEO of New York. Barratt had held the role for 14 months. B...

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