otsi ava laiendatud otsing


12.07.2011 Brewers Tap Hispanic Consumers
American brewers are directing their attention to a demographic that they hope will be the answer to a third consecutive year of declining sales volume. MillerCoors, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Heineken, and others are creating marketing campaigns that captivate the United States’...
12.07.2011 iPhone 4 värsked reklaamid
Klient: Apple
12.07.2011 Küsitlus: News of the Worldi lugejad ei pea nuhkimist suureks probleemiks
Pühapäeval nuhkimisskandaali tõttu ilmumise lõpetanud briti tabloidleht (lühendatult NotW) oma lugejate silmis väga süüdi ei jäänud.
12.07.2011 Soome menubänd peab videoblogi mobiilimüüja reklaamimiseks
Soome pop-rock bänd Sunrise Avenue, kes on korduvalt Eestiski käinud, alustas koostööd põhjanaabrite mobiilimüüjaga Katshing.
11.07.2011 Man's Animated Tattoo Brought to You by Ballantine's Whisky
Tat-vertising seems to be all the rage. People get some sort of twisted pleasure from watching other people permanently etch crap on their bodies on behalf of brands. (It's probably a mix of awe and superiority.) Regardless, the genre may be the closest thing to a guarantee...
11.07.2011 Ladies Get Naked in Public for New Zappos Campaign
Zappos wants you to know it sells more than shoes. So, in new ads from Mullen, the online retailer shows women wearing … only shoes? Yes, the creative approach here—showing naked women to illustrate how un-naked you can make them—is a bit gratuitous. But I suppose we are wr...
11.07.2011 Beck's Gets Even Artsier With Green Door to Nowhere
Last week, Beck's announced it was launching "augmented reality galleries" scattered across a couple of continents—a bunch of green boxes marking locations where people can use their smartphones and tablets to view art commissioned by the brand. While the main campaign is b...
11.07.2011 Ad of the Day: KFC
It's still a long way from fine dining, but KFC suddenly seems interested in providing an aesthetic experience. At least, in its advertising. At least, overseas. Last month, we took a close look at BBH London's gorgeous backyard-picnic spot for the chicken chain. Now, we ge...
11.07.2011 Tiny Belly, Huge Scam: Banner Ads Accused of $1 Billion Hustle
Like all lard-ass Americans, I dream of being in better shape. Those ubiquitous "Tricks of a Tiny Belly" banner ads gave me hope. If it's on the Internet, it must be for real! Enter the buzzkill FTC, which has filed no fewer than 10 lawsuits alleging that those ads are scams...
11.07.2011 Listen Up, Morons. Kenny Powers Is Now the CEO of K-Swiss
Continuing its ballsy Kenny Powers campaign that started with a Funny or Die video last year, K-Swiss has now promoted Kenny to CEO of the company. And the fictional star of HBO's Eastbound & Down is filling out his management team with a group of real athletes, including N...
11.07.2011 Loomeettevõtted saavad edaspidi taotleda eksporditoetust
Arhitektuuri, disaini, etenduskunstide, kirjastamise, kunsti, kultuuriväärtuste jms valdkonnas tegutsevad loomeettevõtted saavad hakata nüüd toetust taotlema ekspordiks, kuid põhivarasse tehtavaid investeeringuid enam ei toetata.
11.07.2011 Äri võtmeküsimus: kuidas muuta toodet nii, et hind ei muutuks?
Tänasel päeval üks populaarsemaid ja laialtlevinumaid turundusnõkse on toote muutmine selleks, et vältida selle hinna tõstmist. Turundajatel on selleks terve arsenal viise, mida oma töös kasutada. Kui mitut trikki võib aga korraga kasutada ilma, et tarbija sellest heituks ja t...
11.07.2011 Why Silicon Valley Can't Sell
Drive up and down the 101 Freeway in Silicon Valley, or cast your gaze north toward Seattle, and media companies, which expect to book over $20 billion in advertising in 2011, appear to be everywhere. But visit the biggest of these companies and ask them to define themselve...
11.07.2011 The Masculine Mystique
Fast cars, faster women—those are the much-parodied signifiers of the male midlife crisis in pop culture. At least, they were, because while surely middle-aged men still claim the lion’s share of the Corvette market, the MMC has been going through a crisis of its own. On T...
11.07.2011 Wayback Machine: Remnants of the Last Bubble
Beach blowouts Typical evening buffet at the ‘99 Internet Summit, held at the Ritz-Carlton in Laguna Niguel, Calif. Desk games Now Sun’s gone (bought by Oracle), and Facebook has claimed its old headquarters. Publicists out of ideas Lame and forgotten. Whoever se...
11.07.2011 Üks lause tõi eestlasele 5000 eurot
Ülemaailmse konkursi raames pakkus parima põhjenduse, miks kasutada Husqvarnat, välja eestlanna Egle Rask ning võitis 5000 euro väärtuses aiatehnikat.
11.07.2011 George Clooney: promokampaaniad teevad enesetunde määrdunuks
Oscari-võitja Clooney (50) sõnul tegeleb ta heategevusprojektidega Aafrikas sellepärast, et kompenseerida kehva enesetunnet pärast ohtrat promokampaaniates osalemist.
11.07.2011 BP avaldas Londoni olümpiamängude sponsorklipi
Briti naftakompanii, Londoni 2012. aasta olümpiamängude ametlik kütusepartner, avaldas teleklipi olümpiamängude sponsoriks olemise teemal.
11.07.2011 Suletud tabloidi omanikfirma teised lehed reklaamiboikoti ohus
Teatavasti ilmus eile meediamagnaat Rupert Murdochile kuuluva briti tabloidi News of the World viimane number, summutades nii üleüldist pahameelt eratelefonidesse häkkimise asjus. Kuid probleemid võivad laieneda.
10.07.2011 Videoraamatud saadaval nüüd kuu kaupa tasudes
Videoraamatud on minu teenus, mis toob tellijateni iga kuu kahe uue äriraamatu video- ja audiokokkuvõtte. Kui varem oli kuumakseline liitumine vaid üle PayPali, siis nüüd on lisandunud SEB ja Swedbanki pangalingiga tasumise võimalus. Kuna pangalingid automaagilisi kuumakseid v...
08.07.2011 Middle East Meets Western Brands
Luxury American and European brands most often inspire consumers to pull out their credit cards. But in the case of Eric Parnes, they simply inspire, period. Parnes, 31, an artist of Iranian descent who lives in New York’s East Village, has based much of his work the inte...
08.07.2011 In a Pinch for a Pitch? Just Spin the Wheel of Concept
Much of the advertising industry seems to run proudly on bullshit. That’s especially true in the Web and mobile space, where rapidly changing technologies have created even more ways for agencies to sell clients ideas that may or may not actually help build brands (or work ...
08.07.2011 ITT Hires Agency Amid Planned Company Breakup
Mullen has won a new assignment from ITT Corp. that stems from the industrial giant’s plan to split into three companies. The shop’s Winston Salem, N.C. office will create a campaign to explain the split and ads for one of the companies, which will center on water technolo...
08.07.2011 Gay TV Grows Jealous of Cell Phone in Swedish Xperia Ad
This Swedish ad for the Sony Ericsson Xperia by agency Storåkers McCann is loaded to the gunwales with innuendo, although some of the television’s jealousy is misplaced — there’s no way that guy is watching the big game (soccer, handball OR hockey) with his buddies on a pho...
08.07.2011 Ad of the Day: HP TouchPad
Meet Russell Brand’s “robot butler.” That’s what the comedian, actor, singer — and now pitchman for HP tablets — calls his TouchPad gadget in this new spot from Goodby Silverstein & Partners. Commercials for competitors’ tablets, like Apple’s iPad and Samsung’s Galaxy, ha...

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