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13.07.2011 Levadia toob euromängu promomisel mängu naised
Eesti üks edukaim jalgpalliklubi, suurettevõtja Viktor Levadale kuuluv FC Levadia avaldas uuendusliku promokampaania «Jalgpallurid ja Naised», mis pakub võimalusi harrastada spordifännamisega seotud elustiili.
13.07.2011 Selling Aperitifs in an MGD World
Some brand creators prosper by falling in step with established trends; Robert Cooper is not one of them. In 2007, the third-generation distiller created St-Germain, an artisanal French liqueur for the U.S. market (despite the fact that liqueurs pale in popularity compare...
13.07.2011 Is Mars' Move a Bad Harbinger for Creatives?
Are classic creative agencies losing a step? Mars’ recent split with TBWA\Chiat\Day points toward “yes.” On the face of it, the shift was surprising. The Omnicom agency was still adding business from the marketer as recently as last year, when TBWA\C\D, which produced awa...
13.07.2011 Fast Chat: Penry Price on Ad Targeting, Jet Packs
After seven years leading global agency sales at Google, why leave now? This is about the next layer of ad targeting. We’ve used these blunt objects of demographics and even psychographics and behaviors, to a degree, and they’ve been successful for the right reasons, and t...
13.07.2011 Vogue Casts 1,000 'Influencers' for Network
It’s not enough that a brand like Vogue can sway people to buy certain products by virtue of its clout. Brands today want to use the magazine’s readers to spread the word about their products. To that end, the Condé Nast fashion bible has launched the Influencer Network, a...
13.07.2011 Glee Gum's Brand Bubble Grows
Chances are you haven’t heard of Glee—no, not the TV show, the gum. In a segment dominated by chewmongers Wrigley (Doublemint) and Cadbury (Trident), a tiny brand like Glee, sold in 6,500 retail locations, nibbles on less than 1 percent market share. That could change. Un...
13.07.2011 Yahoo's New Ad Network
Yahoo’s websites aren’t getting the face time with users that they used to. The slip in time spent on the company’s websites is bad for business, but Yahoo decided that if the readers won’t come to it, it will go to the readers. The Internet company is targeting website publ...
13.07.2011 Mida teed Sina kuutõbisena?
Agentuur: DDB, Sydney Klient: Volkswagen
13.07.2011 Turundusproff: lugude jutustamise ajastul on alati ruumi optimeerimisele
Turunduskonsultant Margit Raid joonistas E24 palvel põhiplaani kaasaegsest infokeskkonnast, kus turundajatel tuleb müüa muutuvaid tooteid. Tooteid, mis optimeerimise käigus on kulunud kas õhemaks, paisunud õhulisemaks või tehtud lausa vähemkvaliteetsetest koostisosadest. Nagu ...
13.07.2011 Cadillac Shield
Klient: Cadillac
13.07.2011 Really? Microsoft Sued by Gag Gift Company
Remember those Microsoft Windows 7 ads depicting smartphone addicts who can’t put down their gadgets long enough to get busy in the bedroom and the bathroom? There’s the silver-haired executive type who ignores his camisole-clad wife and the guy who drops his sleek phone i...
12.07.2011 Got PMS? Have a Glass of Milk, You Crazy Bitch
Today's deep, patient sigh goes out to the California Milk Processor Board and Goodby, Silverstein & Partners for their new "Got milk?" campaign positioning milk as a cure-all for the grab bag of unpleasantness known as PMS. They tried this once before, in 2005. The new cam...
12.07.2011 Silicon Space Men
12.07.2011 Bloomberg L.P. Names New CEO
Daniel L. Doctoroff, former deputy to New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and current president of Bloomberg L.P., has been promoted to CEO of the company effective August 1, reports The New York Times. The 30-year-old company has been on an expansion kick in recent years, ad...
12.07.2011 Google Searching For Display's Savior
Poor display advertising. Search still dominates digital ad spending, in part because of the strong metrics a search campaign offers. Google wants to change that. The search giant is attempting to bring better analysis to display, starting with YouTube, where a home page ...
12.07.2011 Ad of the Day: Volkswagen
The guy in this new Volkswagen Touareg ad from DDB Sydney has it all—a roomy house on a tree-lined street, a beautiful family, daily newspaper delivery, and, of course, a shiny SUV. Unfortunately, a strange and persistent blemish—namely, his fetish for the car—spoils this l...
12.07.2011 Toronto Argonauts Sorry for Ad Endorsing Domestic Violence
The Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League opened their season with an ad that endorses domestic violence, at least according to city councilor Mike Layton. In his letter to Argonauts president Bob Nicholson, Layton claims the ad, which has the headline "Home is ...
12.07.2011 Man-Boobs and Marionettes: Just Another Insane Candy Ad
(Video possibly NSFW.) Here's an example of candy oddvertising at its most weird and randomly disturbing—a Italian spot by Milan agency Selection SRL for Vivident gum featuring a couple of family secrets best left undiscovered. "If you like unexpected turns, you should try ...
12.07.2011 The Latest Sharing Machine
Twitter made content sharing easier because it made the box smaller. Tumblr made it easier because, well, there is no box. Reblog it. Retweet it. Add your own commentary, or don’t. The barriers to sharing content, it seems, are getting lower. Such developments are perfect ...
12.07.2011 Turismiuuring: hiinlastele tundub Soome keskkonnasõbralik ja passiivne
Soomes turismi arendav riiklik organisatsioon Matkailunedistämiskeskus (MEK) tellis uuringu Soome kui reisisihtkoha kuvandist Hiinas. Kuna asume Soome läheduses ja meilegi kuluks ära Hiina turistid, tasub uuringu tulemustega tutvuda.
12.07.2011 In Ericsson's Bleak Future, Your House Is Your Best and Only Friend
If you thought your TV was creepy when it missed you, what if every gadget in your home not only missed you but posted status updates about it? In the four-minute video below (which has been out for a few months), Swedish tech and telecom company Ericsson presents a vision ...
12.07.2011 Nokia plaanib hiiglaslikku rebrändimiskampaaniat
Kuna Nokia koostöö Microsoftiga mõjutab Nokia brändi, leiab mobiilitootja, et tal tuleb oma brändi repositsioneerida. Selleks on plaanis suur reklaamikampaania.
12.07.2011 The Original Internet Adman
The advertising business has always been a place for self-invented characters. So was the Internet business in 1994, when I moved to San Francisco. That’s when I met Jonathan Nelson, now CEO of digital for Omnicom, a holding company that earned more than 18 percent of its r...
12.07.2011 The Spot: Investing in Hollywood
GENESIS: Vanguard introduced the verb "Vanguarding" as a new ad theme that casts working with the investment company as a rewarding experience. Previously, ads from Kirshenbaum Bond Senecal + Partners have explained what Vanguarding means in terms of products and services. ...
12.07.2011 10 Buyers and Sellers You Need to Know
The Sellers: Platform Companies Perhaps it’s a sign of how in flux digital advertising remains that the backgrounds of the men (and they’re all men) charged with overseeing ad sales at the biggest Silicon Valley platform companies are so varied, 17 years after the industry...

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